
Hey sugar plums! Welcome to hosting Vanessa style. I had quite the weekend.  Friday evening was girls night at my home, Saturday, my aunt came for a visit with my mom and brother and Sunday, I had the in-laws over for super bowl. Whew!  Lots of cooking and hosting indeed!  And this isn't me complaining...... I am totally in my element when I get to showcase my inner Martha Stewart. Oh you fancy,  huh?  Why, yes. Yes I am. 

Allow me to share some pics and tips from my weekend Choc full of good people,  good food and CHOColate.  :)

Another disclaimer:
No,  I don't think I'm perfect. I don't do things perfectly.  I am not saying this is how you SHOULD host.  I'm simply saying, if you were interested,  this is how you COULD host. I'm not saying my way of doing things is the right way,  its just the nice way. These are not rules. Just tips and ideas. Everyone does what works for them! It's just good ol' fashioned hospitality! 

OK here we go!
Spoke too soon. This is the only rule I'll give. Leave or take the rest, but you simply MUST abide by this: The absolute number one rule of a guest attending something in someone's home is you NEVER show up empty handed!  Like,  EVS! Obviously there are exceptions. You don't have to buy something everytime you make a simple visit to someone. But if its a party,  Super bowl,  birthday,  girls night, holiday,  etc. Ask the host if there's something they need. A lot of the time the host will say no.  And Sometimes that simple question can make you the hero of the party. Maybe your host forgot the ice!  Maybe they dropped the cake!  Perhaps the milk went bad. Simple gestures make a huge difference. You don't have to shell out your paycheck to impress someone.  Use your judgement.  Some ideas of what to purchase the next time you are invited to a soiree.

1.  Dessert (cake,  pie, pastries, cookies)
2.  Fresh baked bread, baguettes or rolls
3.  Flowers or a plant
4.  A candle
5.  A bottle of wine or liquor
6. Specialty food or appetizer
7.  You can bring your host something monogrammed or personalized
8.  Coffee table book
9.  Pretty mug(s) with gourmet coffee
10.  A nice serving piece. For that party and every party after!
11.  Lastly, not everyone has the extra funds to plunk down so a bag of chips or bottle of soda/seltzer is always acceptable. I don't give a damn how fancy you are,  everyone loves chips and your friends love you no matter WHAT you have in your hands.  So as the guest,  anything you can afford is appreciated and as the host,  accept anything given graciously.  But yes.....bring SOMETHING! 

This is for the host as well as the guest. Dress nicely. Present yourself accordingly. You don't have to overdo it. We're not talking sky high heels and full face war paint-  Ain't nobody got time for that! But you still want be clean,  put together and polished. Even if it IS your house,  sweatpants have no place at the table.

I usually buy fresh flowers for the house but I pick something extra pretty when I'm having company. Fresh blooms brighten up any setting. I think they make your guests feel special too!

Break out the serving pieces, the dishes and the glassware. Unless you live in a frat house, I don't understand the red solo cups and dixie plates.I know I'm going to get flak for that last statement. My friends think I'm crazy. They say who wants to wash all of those dishes? I understand all of that, but you should make the effort when you are inviting people into your home. Besides, why do you have all of those dishes and glasses anyway?! I was blessed with beautiful things from my bridal shower and things that I have collected for myself throughout the years because I knew the moment I had my own place, entertaining was going to be one of my top priorities.

I do use linen napkins when I can. Mostly for holidays and very special occasions but I'm also a fan of fun paper napkins. Paper towels?? No. They make such chic and pretty paper napkins in your local party city or party supply place. You can even get initial and monogram paper napkins in stores and online. How cute is that?

ALWAYS have fresh water on the table. No matter if you are drinking soda or alcohol or even hot beverages, its nice to have cold, clean water on the table available at all times. Just like the restaurants do. If you wanna go the extra mile, jazz it up with fresh fruit, fresh lemon and lime slices or whatever you have on hand to infuse it with a  nice flavor. 

You don't have to be a five star chef to ensure your guests will enjoy what you are serving.

For instance, the girls and I  did a fun and easy cocktail party. We worked all day and didn't have time to start a full meal from scratch. Caprese salad, mini meatballs, pigs in a blanket....these are all no fail foods everyone loves. The key to making it posh? What you choose to serve it in. It's all about the presentation! I also bought a cake from the supermarket and made a Nutella display by simply cutting up fresh fruit, and pretzels for dipping. You don;t have to slave over a stove all night. Just be creative.

Light candles. They give warmth and glow to a party setting. If you can help it, try not to light scented candles in the same room where the food is being served. The clashing smells become overpowering and you don't want to turn anyone off.

Coffee drinkers? Don't forget to have regular sugar as well as another option for those who don't take sugar. Equal, Splenda, Truvia, etc. 

Tea drinkers? Don't forget the lemon wedges and honey. Little touches really do go a long way. Be considerate of your audience. 

Trays are your best friend. They are chic looking and functional. I get my acrylic trays from CB2. West Elm also has some fine choices.

Don't forget your bathrooms. Make sure to have a full roll of toilet paper readily available. 

Always have fresh clean towels up. Possibly some air freshener......hey, you never know.

Again, these are all just's my way of doing things. It certainly doesn't have to be your way. Do whatever works for you. But I meant it about the solo cups and dixie plates! PLEASE don't make me clutch my pearls!

Hope your Super bowl party was a success. Congratulations to the Seahawks but I think the real star of this weekend was my dishwasher!!!
Happy hosting y'all!  

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