
Thank God it's Saturday! Can I get an AMEN?! I would've said Friday, but I had to wake up early in this freezing cold and work all day Friday. So really ? Friday gets no love. 
Tis all about Saturday! The hubby is working all weekend and that's left me with two glorious days to just nest. I adore nesting. I connect with myself, I recharge my batteries so to speak and get myself "together".

Ya hear that Spencer?! (My boss). It's Saturday! No more proposals! No more phone calls! No more insurance certificates! Back up off meh! Still love you puddin' pop. Lets just put our love on a time out until Monday, mmmmkay? 

Office work....**deep thought**......what am I doing with my life?? What's my motivation? Where am I going? Am I wasting all of my fabulous??? Wasn't I supposed to be on a yacht in Capri by now???!  **bubble pop** I DIGRESS! That's a whole 'nother blog post girl! Back to the weekend! 

Allow me to share my weekend with you and all the activities I have planned for myself.
How many of them will actually get done?? I guess it really all depends on what's on
If you too have some time to yourself, I hope at least one of these ideas spark your nesting mode.

The List

Sleep in!! A couple years ago sleeping in meant sleeping until 12-1-2pm. For whatever reason, my body feels rested between by 9-10am now-a-days. Don't get me wrong, I can still sleep with the best of em' if I lingered in bed long enough! Sleeping will always be a luxury to me.

Coffee & breakfast.

Going over my 2014 agenda. Updating new plans, social events and ideas.

Updating my music wish list. I have post it's and papers and notes of songs and artists scribbled all over the place. Time to collect and organize!

DVR Catch up / Netflix/ Food Network 
Speaking of Food Network, is anyone watching their new show "The Kitchen"? It's the perfect Saturday morning show to wake up to. Check it out.

Blogging! Being both the blogger (haaayyy) and the blogee...? 
In English: updating my blog and reading my favorite blogs in turn.

More reading: Glossy fashion mags and my mom just gave me Joel Osteen's new book
 "Break Out"......supposed to be very uplifting and motivating. Free therapy.

Make some in-store returns. This requires getting dressed and actually leaving the house to go somewhere. I'm iffy on this one.....feeling a little sketchy about it. Scratch that. I ain't goin nowhere.

Pinterest and internet surfing - duh.

Cooking. I do enjoy being all cozy and making my own meals. Tonight on the menu?
Good Ol' fashioned American burgers and sweet potato fries. 

Organizing my closet. It's such a mess. And apparently, I have a moth problem. Finding little nibbles and holes in some of my prize possessions I wont stand for that! I went HAM (Please see urban dictionary) on the internet yesterday and bought a shit load of anti moth crap.
I'll keep you posted.

Last but not least on the list: Planning my birthday! Less than a month away y'all!

Coffee in my snowflake mug. 
Doodling in my 2014 Agenda. I'm a blue pen gal. I'm very passionate about blue ink. lol

Staying cozy
Bath & Body Works Candle "Marshmallow Fireside"

This is that horrific closet I was talking about. Lots of stripes.
 I have an affinity for all things stripe!
Well, technically, it's a closet in a walk in closet. 
I know it doesn't make sense but I'll be doing a room overhaul and sharing the whole thing soon.
Also, for the record - I know this is a Fashion & Lifestyle Blog and you must have said to yourself.....where's the fashion? Where are the outfits?!? The truth is - this winter, I have lost all 
of my motivation to look gorg. The snow, the ice, the cold, the bundling up, etc. 
The dry weather is just killing my skin......I'm in full hibernation mode wearing a uniform of 
 jeans and sweaters and Uggs and I REFUSE to come out until Winter has thawed over!! 
But don't you worry, my fellow fashionistas....I've got LOTS to show you come Spring!

I can't wait to purge these shelves of their itchy, bulky sweaters and restock them with 
Spring & Summer stripes, neon, prints, brights, thin knits and all things  *light* and pretty!

Coffee table. Magazines, food, remote.......what else does one need??

Thanks for peeking in on my weekend. I hope yours is (was) just as great and relaxing as mine!
Til' Monday...... xo

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