Valentines From V.V.!


Will you be V.V.'s Virtual Valentine?? 
(That's a lot of V's.....shout out to my husband for that awesome last name!)
Say you will all be my virtual valentines because I love Valentines day! And you can never have too many valentines! Or Lipstick.....or Chocolate....

And speaking of the brown deliciousness, you see this kid? This little girl was me when I was little.....Hell, this might or might not have been me last it CERTAINLY will be me tonight!! I am def getting down on some chocolate for V-day. I ADORE chocolate!!!
I have a saying.... "If it ain't brown, it don't go down!".  V.V. doesn't "do" vanilla.
Hope John picked me up something yummy. So you can see how that falls in line with me loving Valentines day.....

So my little love bugs, what are your plans to celebrate? The weather has obviously made my Valentines Day plans very simple. Work during the day, where I have forced everyone to wear red, pink or purple in honor of the holiday (lets see who comp[lies) and I will throw candy at them all day long and annoy the shit out of them with my bright ass hot pink shirt and my upbeat and happy demeanor until 5:00pm. =)
Then I will go home and spend the evening in with John. We're ordering Chinese food and watching movies and.....................hey! Get your mind out of the gutter, this is a family blog!

Also,  I'd like to get a teensy bit sentimental for a second and say that this is my first Valentine's Day as a wife. And his obviously as a husband. It was kinda cool to shop in the "HUSBAND" section of the cards for the first time. I've been lingering in the "Man I love" section, the "Special Friend" section and the "WTF are we and do I even get this fool a card" section of the cards all of my dating life and it feels good to be home. Permanently.

I hope you all get whatever it is that your heart is wishing for today.
Thanks for being my Valentine. I'd love to hear how you spent the day, where you went, if you received anything that you might want to share, a cute V-day outfit, etc. Please feel free to comment below. I leave you with this one last pearl of wisdom.....

I was in the mall spending time with a great friend of mine (Hi Clas!) two nights ago and I went into the MAC store to get my free lipstick. You know, the MAC recycle program where you give back 6 empty plastic containers and you get a free lip glass, lipstick or eye shadow in return?
So I had two gorgeous colors in my hand (next blog post),  I picked one as my freebie and decided to put the other one down. To quote my favorite movie of all time, Pretty Woman:
"Big Mistake! HUGE!".
I figured ehhhh I'll just get it online. Sold the eff out. Everywhere. Why on earth didn't I just get the color when I had it in my hands?! My car is completely snowed in (my co-worker and his truck have been kindly driving me in - Love you Rafi!) so I can't even drive back to the mall to try and get it again until this frozen tundra melts in which by then, will probably be sold out.
With all of that being said..... LIFE IS SHORT. BUY THE LIPSTICK! Even if you regret buying it later, you can always return it. Not fair dude. Bastard!

Happy Heart Day!

I see you Christian! =)

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