My Bridal Shower


For the first official post, I thought I would Christen my blog with my bridal shower. As you may have read, I am a newlywed -got married October 3rd, 2013. I had my bridal shower at the end of August and I must say, to my recollection, it was the "prettiest" day of my life. 
No disrespect to the wedding day, naturally! (Hi honey! xo) 

Nothing can compare to looking great and feeling great while surrounded by champagne, confections, your best girls, their best fashions and all those pretty boxes. 
My mom was my matron of honor. She let my Type A / Control Freak personality take over and plan the ENTIRE thing. To her dismay and to my bridesmaids' dismay but they knew it just wasn't going to go any other way. I had a vision that needed to be executed and I was the executor! Mom funded my craziness. (Thanks, ma. Love you!)

It truly was the best day it was the party of my dreams. While it was five months ago, it was very special to me and I'd like to share it with you. The end result? A fashion theme (what else?!) laced with sparkles and my favorite two colors, blush and gray. 

So without further ado, here are some of my favorite shots (taken by my awesome best friend Diana and her fancy-schmancy camera. Thanks girl!) and moments from my special day. 
Hope you enjoy!

Blush and gray napkin bows at each place setting. 
Prop sticks for random posing and "Diamonds" adorned the tables.

Each table was a different name brand. It's been done before, but my original idea
 was nixed last minute. This worked out anyway. AND I took every bag from my private stash. 
I knew those bags would come in handy.....

This was a view of the room. It was a gorgeous restaurant in Brooklyn 
that my friend Michelle put me on to. Very chic, very stylish and up my alley. 
For those who are curious or looking for a great venue with great food: 
Ponte Vecchio Restaurant
8810 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11209

We had small acrylic boxes filled with candies, sugar and goodies on all the tables 
for everyone to indulge. Alongside were these adorable cellophane candy bags 
that I personalized to say "Sugar is always in fashion". 
Because.....isn't it?? ;)
I got these bags from For Your Party

Upon arrival, everyone was greeted with a V.V.Bellini.
I ordered these diamond drink markers that doubled as place cards

Eat. Drink. Be Fabulous.
Also purchased from For Your Party

I loved my dress. I found it at Macy's. Ivory lace peplum.
I scored it at such a great price - I'm embarrassed to divulge the price!
Jessica Simpson nude patent pumps. I kept it classic and simple. 
The real question you wear an occasion dress again??
Can you? Should you?? Please weigh in!

Thanks to Pinterest, I had to engage in the ombre trend.
Because it was the dogs day of August, I decided not to go with a traditional cake
 for dessert. Instead, everyone got to make their own individual ice cream sundaes.
It was different, it was refreshing and it was fun!
I had a mini cake made at a local bakery that I displayed for picture purposes.....
and because I ADORE cake! Hot or not, it ain't a party without cake.....FOR ME! xo


My beautiful friends. 

Gifts galore baybeh! Let me tell you....that was FUN!
Notice the dress form on the table. That is not a prop. That is Elizabeth. 
She is a dress form. (Well, half of her in this picture. She has a pretty wood pedestal base)
She is alive and well and living in my walk in closet as we

The one and only. My mom, Rose. But you can call her Rosie now that we're friends. :)
 My everything. There are no words.

Strike a pose with glitter lips!

More of my beautiful friends.

The hubster to be surprised me with flowers. He's a good boy.
Have you met John? John, world. World, John.

Ummmmm John? How are we going to get all of this home?!

The mama bears and their cubs.
BY COINCIDENCE his mom wore blush and gray. She only found out after
 the purchase of her ensemble what the theme colors would be. It was fate.

The man who changed my life and put me on a path 
 I thought I never wanted until he gave it all to me. xoxo
And because of his last name......V.V. was born!

Outfit change!! It was a fashion themed party and I am a fash addict....
There couldn't be just one outfit, my little honeybees!
Blush pink blazer, gray sequined top and destructed jeans for a relaxed, 
glamorous yet edgy vibe.

My adorable flower girl Casey helped me open all of goodies.
She stole the show, actually.
Today is her mom's birthday, btw. Happy Birthday Jessica! xo
Thanks for making such a cute kid!

a VERY talented and special friend made this for John and I.
My new last name. (My old last name is Medina for anyone who cares)

The Bridal Party

I opted not to do the traditional hat. I hate those.
My bridesmaid Danielle made me a ribbon bouquet instead.
I still have it. It was so pretty.

Hey Suzy girl!

The favors were (the candy & cookies) and these super cute white heart sunglasses
 that I thought were fun and fit my theme beautifully. 
Love, which is the reason we were all there, and fabulousness!
Get yours here: Private Island Party

The End. <3 

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  1. This was the best bridal shower I've been to. You had a vision and nailed it! For everyone first learning about the fabulous V.V....stick around. You won't be disappointed!!
