Floating Around The Web.....


How are we all doing with our 2014 resolutions, hopes and dreams? Still going strong? Congratulations! Don't stop kicking ass. Not going so well? Need a little motivation? Guess what.....it's still January. Tomorrow morning you are granted a fresh, clean, brand new start! You've got 11 months *and change* mind you, to do or start anything you wish. Better late than never, right?? 2014 is still yours.... it's glittering and waiting for you. xo

But don't we, though?? Can a girl just get some funds?!

I dream of palm trees, white sand, warm blue water and balmy nights. Soon!

I love this saying so much. I think we are all surrounded by needy, weak, people who feel the need to bring other people down or attempt to make themselves seem so much more than they are by shouting from the rooftops their "successes" but really, all anyone can hear are their raging insecurities. Here's a little advice; how about you shut the f*ck up, work hard in silence for once and let your true success be your noise. Amen to that.

And with that being said, I'm off to watch the rest of the Grammy's and go to bed because tomorrow is Monday. This bee needs that money, honey! 
Have a great week everyone!

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