Happy Birthday V.V.!


I am now 34. Yeah....let's let that sink in for a minute. Whatev. -___-
The fact is, we're all going to continue to get birthdays and get older and there's no stopping it. 
I could mope and be depressed or I could celebrate it anyway because it's happening and it's coming whether I like it or not. I choose to celebrate. I will always choose to celebrate-  for that is just who I am! Here's how it went down this year....

I wanted a quiet birthday because I am just coming off of an epic year with my wedding and moving and all of the accompanying celebrations in association with that. I just wanted to chill out, have a good meal and enjoy myself. Especially since there was a blizzard on it's way.
Next year for  35, I'll get "tunrt up" as the kids say.

I took the day off from work - it's a sin to work on your birthday. It's in the bible. No kidding.
I'm pretty sure it's the parting of the Red Sea, thou shall not kill, Noah's Arc, don't work on your birthday. Not in that order though, but it's in there. Because I have such gall, I took the next day off also. Because I didn't want to be plagued all day with "It's my birthday! Yay! I have to go to work tomorrow Boo!." Nope.  I took two days. My boss wanted to literally wring my neck. Hey! That's what vacation days are for, sir.
Thank you kindly.

On the last Friday of every month my Long Island girls (I call them that because a. I am the only girl from Queens and B. my friends are divided among two groups - the Long Island girls and the Brooklyn girls) get together at someone's house to catch up and do girl's night. Since my birthday was on the horizon and our hang out was scheduled for Friday, the 28th, we went to dinner to have a mini celebration and back to Corinne's house for our usual pow wow.
Thank you ladies for taking me out - I had a lovely time. Thank you Clascy for strongly suggesting I change my mind and step out to have some fun. I did in fact have fun! Sometimes the best birthdays are the ones not planned and on a small scale.

March 4th, 2014!

I decided to make my own cake this year. Just kinda wanted everything low key. Didn't feel like getting the typical bakery cake, didn't feel like searching for this complicated recipe to make a cake from scratch......I went to the supermarket and picked up a box cake and frosting in a jar!
Yeah, that's right. I said it. Box cake bitches! 
34, I'm not about impressing anyone but myself. I am going to choose to do what I want, not what looks good to someone else. I'm sick of the pressure to overdo things and make everything perfect, to outdo someone or something, to constantly upgrade, to be better than anyone else and feel like I have to keep up with people or what my peers are doing with their lives, and the pressure I put on myself to always outdo myself isn't ok either. I just simply want to be. Whatever makes me happy, I'm about it and what makes me unhappy, I'm not about it anymore.  It's that simple. What it looks like to anyone else or what they feel about it, is no longer my concern. Look at that, 34 and I'm already getting wiser! Box cake made me happy this year. Strawberry Duncan Hines and chocolate fudge icing. Boom.
Let me tell ya, that was a good cake! I look for the cakes that require oil in the batter, makes it so moist and soft. The worst thing on earth is dry cake. Ack!

Next up, lunch with my husband at The Cheesecake Factory! I haven't been there in a long time and I didn't want to go to some fancy restaurant and possibly not enjoy my food - I didn't feel like traveling to the city and making a big deal about it all. I was hungry, I love TCF, done.
I ordered a Peach Bellini Cooler which was basically a bellini on steroids - frothy and cold and sweet and delicious! Happy Birthday to me! :)

Next up? a little mall shopping. Shopping is my favorite pastime so it only made sense.
I fell in love with these Tom Fords. I made John snap a pic of me so I remember what they look like. I didn't buy them but they are now on my radar. For anyone that might want to know, my lipstick in this picture is Mac's "Snapdragon". Sold out online - try in store.

I was disappointed in the mall overall. I feel like since I've become one with the internet, there's nothing in stores for me anymore. All of my shopping is done online unless its a cosmetic or perfume I see in person. The variety just isn't there. Anyone else feel like that???

That night when I got home, I did my birthday shopping online. Got some goodies.
I'll post that this week maybe.

Couldn't leave the mall without a birthday treat - love me some macarons!
$5 for two cookies......smh....that's why they're a treat!
John was like......$5?!? For what?! I put one in his mouth and then he said 
"Ohhhhhh damn these are so good!" - Now he knows why. 
And there you have another macaron fan.

My family was coming over for cake on the evening of my birthday so I did what I do best - decorate and make everything super bougie!
I said I was staying home and having a quiet birthday - I never said it would be unfabulous! 
I am still me, after all. 
I was feeling the black and white and gold theme.
I shopped for some things online and some things I already had.

Black and Pink sequin tablecloths  - borrowed from my job. 
Shout out to Prestige Caterers - they put the "bread" and the cloths on my table! <3
(I can't say I bring home the bacon because we're kosher! ;) )

Black cloth dinner napkins  by Bed Bath & Beyond 

This must have been the "Am I really 34 years old!??! It's not fair!!!" face. Sheer disbelief.
My cake looks good, no? I thought it was cute. I made a nice little design with 
my cake icing spatula. 

I hope it comes true xoxoxoxoxo

Enough with the sentimental - lets get on with the gifts!
My family gave me cash which is always appreciated because I have a wish list a mile long and I like making a dent in it every once in a while.
Funny story about this watch. I have been eyeing the Burberry watches for a while. I haven't spent good money on a watch since the Michele watch I bought myself when I was 25 years old. Since then I bought some MK watches, a few misc cute watches but nothing significant and I felt it was time to buy another "nice" watch. I kept coming back to the Burberry watches and I settled on this one. It's classic, pretty and it's got that chunky look I like.
I was at Macy's Christmas shopping one evening and I took a walk over to the watches to browse again. The woman at the counter told me they were having their friends and family sale in two weeks and everything was 25% off. Well that was all I needed to hear. I knew that was my birthday gift. Now to convince my husband of the same thing.....
 I don't know how I did it and I honestly don't know how he agreed to it so easily but I SOMEHOW convinced John that we should buy this watch now for the F&F sale and make it my birthday gift. He said ok.....I still don't know how I got him to do it (maybe he agreed so easily because the Playstation 4 was coming out around the same time and he had ideas of his own! Actually, now that I think about it, HE bamboozled ME! Well it worked because we both got what we wanted lol) but we bought it and put it away and it hasn't seen the light of day until now. I promised myself I wouldn't wear it until my birthday.
Also, I think it's cute that my husband and I now have his and hers Burberry watches.
I bought him one for his birthday a few years ago and he still wears it because it's a well made, handsome watch and won't go out of style. I already have my eyes on another one.
I have a materialistic addiction. Can't help it!

This is celebration part two. On Thursdays, my Brooklyn girls all get together to watch our TV shows and hang out. We usually order in, sometimes there's a bottle of wine and we all dress comfy and gab all night. Since my birthday was Tuesday, I volunteered "Thursday" to be held at my house. I asked the girls to come in their pajamas so we can have a 
"Pajama Jammy Jam-Birthday Edition" Thursday.
Thanks to Michelle and Jessica who came two weeks ago and graced me with this bottle of wine I held for a special occasion!
We usually watch Vampire Diaries and Reign but we just kinda hung out this week.

Thank you Felicia for my beautiful flowers and my gift and thanks to Diana, Danielle M and Danielle T for their gifts. Thanks for letting me host "Thursday" on the other side of town.
Much appreciated! xo

Some of my fab things. I WOULD post a pic of us drinking wine and eating our dinner but I think they would kill me! So I will just post this:

Thanks everyone for another great birthday. I know some of my friends wanted to help me celebrate (I did not forget you Scott ,Suzy & Michelle) and I love them for that.
I promise next year for 35 I'll actually leave my house and we'll do it big!

So this was 34......let's hope this year is good to me as all of the 30's have been.
Got some gray hair and some small lines by my mouth *eye roll* but like my brother 
Jason always says...."I'm too blessed to be stressed". 
Thank you god for another healthy & happy year.

Thirty Fo' and I'm back for mo'!!!

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  1. I am in LOVE with your table!! so glad to hear and be able to see some of your fun bday celebrations!! xoxo
