Currently Crushing


Favorite Blog
Crystalin Marie
I love her outfits, I love her pictures, her styling, etc. I have so many blogs I visit daily but I've been checking this one incessantly so I'd say she's my fav right now. Check her out!

Favorite Quote
When I read this one, it hit home right away. I don't know what's gotten me into more trouble in my life; my heart, or my tongue after I've felt "under attack". I think I just put my foot in my mouth again about a half hour ago. If only the tongue and the heart could magically get on the same team. Or at least kick the other one under the table when they're about to do/say something stupid!

Favorite Bird
I've always liked flamingos but lately, they are front and center! Flamingos on the brain, flamingos everywhere! They are so pretty. Reminds me of warm weather and tropical lusciousness! And ummmm....they're pink!

Favorite Album
Sara Bareilles "The Blessed Unrest"
I can't tell you the last time I purchased an entire album on itunes. I'm a $1.29  per song kinda gal. And it's not even about the money. I'l spend anything on music I love. I just haven't found an album that deserved to be downloaded in full in quite some time. This is that album. She's amazing and she's one of my favorite voices. Download it. You'll thank me.

Favorite TV Show
Pretty Little Liars.
This is a show I've been meaning to get into since it first came out but I never really got around to watching it because my TV list was full and I had to let something go. So I had some time on my hands this weekend and decided to finally check it out on Netflix.....
OB.SESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went through season 1 in two days! I am on a PLL binge like no one's business. I am surprised I made it to work today.

Favorite Nail Polish
Essie's "Romper Room"
The perfect pastel-y, milky, creamy pink. C'moooooooon Spring!

Favorite Fashion Obsession
Skinny cargo pants. Just scored some and I can't wait to style them up!

Favorite Food
Ice cream! I gave up Ice Cream for Lent and I am dying for some! Phish Food Fro Yo is my fav!
Guess I won't be indulging until Easter. -___-

Just some of my current crushes....what are you crushing on??

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