Bathroom Remix (Wishlist Update)


You may or may not have seen my apartment wish list that I posted last week, and if you did, you will recognize this gold ikat shower curtain I have been lusting after.
I took a long (and I do mean long) leisurely trip to Target this weekend not for anything in particular - I needed father's day cards, I wanted to pick up an eyeliner.....and of COURSE staring right at me in the bathroom aisle was my wish list pick! I mean, I couldn't just leave it there! So I took it home with me.....and then I needed the soap dispenser to match.....and the gold tray for my jars....and a beach candle to tie it all together. 

Yes, mom, NEED. She's shaking her head right now reading this going...."Oh, Vanessa - you didn't need those things."  Yes, I am 35 and yes, she will always give me her opinions.
(I wouldn't have it any other way, though!)

She doesn't understand the vortex that is Target. You walk in for paper towels and walk out with an entire new house!! Am I right??? The struggle is so real. -______-

ANYWAY, with just a few things, I was able to transform my bathroom into a whole new look for Summer. I had a black and white theme going on in there and wanted to switch it up. 
My original idea was do black, white and gold (as you can see, my sink counter top is black) but when I was finished, it ended up being gold and white which I think I like better.
Perhaps in the colder months when I get restless again, I can incorporate more black for a refresh. 

You'll also notice the gold tray was featured on my wish list as well - it's original purpose was to serve food. Guess I'll have to pick up some more!

When my husband came home from work, he said he couldn't wait to take a slow motion I was all "NOoOoOoOoOoOoOo.....don't ruin my bathroOoOoOoOom!! Can't you stay dirty for another day???" Needless to say, I lost that battle.

Here are a few quick shots - I took some with and without flash.

The gold in the curtain is a pretty shimmery gold - it's not a flat color which I like also - probably doesn't show in the pictures but it's got a nice sparkle to it which also adds a nice touch.

Looks like the white is sold out online but they have plenty in store.

I wish there was a gold soap dish to match but I found none. :(

I bought these when I first moved in the apartment and they match with EVERYTHING.
No matter the color or theme, these are constant in the bathroom.

I couldn't find the candle online, but I took a picture of it so you can find it in store - and you must because it smells incredible!! Also found in Target. "Beechwood and Bergamont" by Bella Candles. It smells so good I don't even want to light it. I will have to scoop up some more of these when I go back.

Thanks for stopping by.....til we shop again!

 - V.V.

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  1. I have those same Crate & Barrel containers and love them! Cute blog!!!

