To Plus or Not to Plus....?


THAT is the question. And now, I'll answer it for everyone.

If you read facebook this morning and you follow me, you probably already know that I was one of the very lucky ladies to be featured on #DROPTHEPLUS ' Instagram Page this morning.
Lets keep it real for a minute.....I was running around my house in my pajamas calling my mama like I won the lottery! Which by the way, for me, would probably be the same feeling! I was elated.  Because I was featured and it's a campaign I ADORE that featured me,  it has now encouraged me and compelled me to talk about the single thing I have been avoiding since I started blogging.  "Where's the plus?"

I am not oblivious to the fact that I am not thin. It has been my painful struggle my entire life.
Gaining weight, losing weight, gaining back the weight, trying on clothes that don't fit, crying in dressing rooms, avoiding bathing suit shopping, competition with thinner girls, being teased, gaining weight, losing weight and so on and so forth. I don't deny that this has been going on my whole life - but what ELSE has been running parallel to those things was, is and will always be my stellar fashion sense and my "don't take no shit" rebellious attitude. 

300lbs or 130lbs,  Target or Gucci....I will dress this body to the nines. I've always been able to see the outfits in my head and just put it all together. I have a burning passion for fashion (no pun) and clothes that I could never explain into words. So I started a blog - to SHOW you how much it means to me to simply get dressed every day. I wanted to show my talent, No matter what size I am.  I was well aware that if I branded myself as a "plus size" blogger,  a "curvy" blogger, I would get so many more followers and readers and build a huge fan base.....but I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. I won't do it.

Hear what I am saying...I LOVE LOVE LOVE my plus size girls, my curvy girls, my big and beautiful girls, I love my skinny girls, my thick girls, my petite girls, my tall girls, my black girls, my white girls, my Spanish girls, my Asian girls, my Indian girls, my Jewish Girls, my Catholic girls, my short girls, my rich girls, my broke girls- I LOVE YOU ALL and I want you ALL to love me. For me personally, by putting a label on myself and my blog - I'm being segregated. I'm being put in a container. I'm being taken out of the crayon box and being told I can't color with all of the beautiful colors in that box. All skinny girls to the left, all big girls to the right.  
Well, that's bullshit! I will not allow it. I won't stand for it. 

 If you look beautiful, if your outfit is on point, if your makeup is gorgeous, if your hair is shining and swaying in the wind, If you have a confidence about you, I want to know about you. I want to be friends with you. I want to know where you got that bag or those shoes, I want to read what you're saying, I want to see your pictures, etc. 
Why do these things have to come with stipulations and labels? If you got it, you got it. 
 Who the hell says I can only "have it" under your rules?? What does it matter if a plus size girl or a thin girl thinks my outfit is great?

I want you to follow me and read my blog and click my pictures because you think I'm talented and because you enjoy reading my thoughts and because you trust my fashion eye. I want you to look to my outfits for inspiration or a possible idea for your next outfit.  
I wish not to be judged on my size. No matter what size that is. I believe no one should be separated or segregated or labeled or put in any kind of box. 
Some days I eat salad, some days I eat chocolate cake but every single day I dress my ass off!
And that's what I'm here for.

That's why I believe in #Droptheplus so much - they are focusing on celebrating everyone and not labeling a woman and not letting the media put us all in categories. It's a movement to change the fashion industry for good. Please check out their website for a full education on what they stand for and are trying to accomplish:

I don't "do" categories, honey! You can't put me in a box! *hair flip* lol
Don't  let em' put you in one either!  We're breakin' the rules ladies......drop the plus!!!

Thanks for reading and letting me get this out - it was a long time coming!

- V.V.

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