Pinterest Bedroom Dupe


I've been looking to spruce up my bedroom for a while. When we first moved into the apartment, there was so much to do, I focused more on the common areas first and put my bedrooms on hold. Now that we are settled in for the most part, I figured it was time to give the bedroom the TLC it deserved. 

I had been collecting images and ideas for a few months and came across a picture on Pinterest (which I'm sure a lot of you have seen floating around the web) that stopped me in my tracks. I can't put my finger on the exact reason why it drew me in, but when I saw it, I immediately knew that it was "the" picture and that's what I wanted to do.

Some highlights about this picture;
- It seems so luxurious, but so simple. Beautiful, but totally attainable.
- The wall color is neutral - the same as mine so it wouldn't take an entire paint overhaul to recreate it.
 - My bedroom is small and this seems to be about the same shape and size.
- It's feminine and masculine at the same time. Perfect for a couple.

So it was settled. This was the new design I was going with. Since the holidays  were upon us, I couldn't very well just run out and spend up a storm. This was going to take some strategy on part! I started collecting pieces here and there for a few months when I could (and kept stuffing it in the closet) keeping the picture on hand at all times to make sure I was still in theme. My husband kept asking..."What is this? What is that?"  to which I would respond..."shhhhh.....not to worry. I'm in the decor lab, I'll  show you when it's done."
He would shrug, roll his eyes and keep it moving like a wonderful husband should!

And so I give you to my Pinterest Bedroom Dupe.

This is the JWS Interiors original image:
(Follow JWS Interiors on Pinterest or visit the JWS Interiors Blog)

This is my take (while not exact) on that:

Some similarities are obviously the white bedding, the fur throw, the neutral tufted bed frame,  and the black and white pillows on the bed, although different. If you wish to purchase the original pillows shown on the JWS Interior's image, you can find them here.

The differences are the side tables. Mine are mirrored, I didn't do the gold mirrors behind the bedside tables, I decided to center a mirror above my bed instead. I also added black and white curtains to tie in the black and white theme. The original picture's bed sits on a white fur rug, whereas my white fur rug is in front of my bed.

Here is a breakdown of items I purchased and where I got them:

Nate Berkus for Target black and white graphic pillows. I got these on clearance. I can no longer find them online but you might get lucky at your local Target!

Nate Berkus black candle stand and candle. I also couldn't find online but I'm positive they are in the candle section as a permanent item in the line.

Faux Fur blanket (and still so soft and glorious!) I found at Homegoods.

Mirror above bed also found at Homegoods.

Tommy Bahama comforter, pillows and sheets at Homegoods.
(*note*  My bed is a Queen bed but I went with a King comforter for extra length)

Black and white striped curtains I got at Overstock. A big plus about these curtains - they're black out curtains!!! And they really, really work! Do you know how hard it was for me to get up this morning? Probably because I woke up in a cave!

My biggest compliment was from my husband who told me he felt like she was sleeping in a hotel. So I want to take that as a job well done. xo

I'm happy this project ended up panning out in January. I am still all about the newness of the year and fresh new beginnings, etc. so this was nice to start 2015 off in a new bedroom. And is there anything more lovely and gratifying than climbing into clean, new, soft bedding?!

Thanks to JWS Interiors for the inspiration and thanks to you all for checking it out and reading along. I hope I have sparked some of you to find a picture that speaks to YOUR heart and you execute it in YOUR own way. Anything you wish is doable and attainable. 
Now get out there and kick some home decor butt!!! (A little early Super Bowl motivation!)

:) :)


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  1. Omg I love!! Love the bed frame everything!!

  2. I Love It Vanessa! That's what I want in my bedroom. Living like a Queen.

  3. @Tayanna Reyes: Thank you my love!! Thank you for reading, means so much to me. I got the bed frame at Bobs! They have a darker gray color I believe also and I must say, I am very happy with the quality and look. You would never know!! xo

  4. @Denis Ortega: You should do it girl!! You are a Queen and deserve to live like one!
    I used to think it would be so expensive to get the look that I wanted but if you shop around, you can have it all! If you ever do your bedroom, send me pics! Thank you for reading! :) :) :)

  5. Amazing. It seriously looks soooo gorgeous. You did an amazing job. I must ask - what company are your actual pillows? I've been looking for good ones for a while and those look the perfect combo of fluffy and sturdy!

  6. @KellyFitch How are you feeling?? Check your email when you are feeling better. I am such a nincompoop!

    Re: the pillows
    I got all new sleeping pillows at HomeGoods. They are Tommy Bahama. Right now, (because they're new) they are fabulous. Sleeping on them has been a dream. BUT I find every time I buy new pillows, they turn into pancakes within two months so I'm hoping these are different. I will be HAPPY to give a review in a few weeks to see if they are still plump and fluffy!
