Tartan Blanket Scarf. (Literally)


Hope everyone had a nice weekend. I spent mine doing lots of fun and relaxing things with my husband, family and friends. Saturday, I had a get together with friends for my best friend's son's birthday. What to wear? My Zara scarf to the rescue. 
Towards the evening, the temperature dropped and I used my blanket scarf, for literally just that. A blanket. I wrapped it around my shoulders and arms and kept fashionably warm!

I see many Zara scarves in my future. I've already started an obsession  a collection.
And from the looks of Pinterest and bloggers everywhere, Y'all have too! ;)
Here's how I styled mine this time.

Scarf // Oxford Shirt // Madewell Monogram Tote (sold out) Similar Here //
Booties // Sunglasses // Watch // Opticals // Lipstick: "Lust for Blush" by Maybelline
Photo creds: Paige-y-poo!

Stay warm my little fashies.....


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