Bougie Pumpkins from the Patch!


Hi friends!  A few weeks ago, my husband mentions to me that he has never been to a pumpkin patch. *Mind blown*
Upon hearing this, I immediately knew I had to make my his dream come true.
Who doesn't love a pumpkin patch choc full of plump little orange balls of happiness in fields for the pickin'?!

On our vacation, we took a trip over to a farm not far away and plucked ourselves some handsome pumpkins indeed. And because it physically goes against me to just let something be average, I gave my little friends an upgrade if you will.
I present to you "bougie pumpkins"!

First order of business......looking pumpkin patch chic:
Plaid, check. Utility vest, check. Autumn lips and nails, check. Sunglasses, check.
Now I'm ready to farm it up!

 For anyone in/on the Long Island area looking for a reputable pumpkin patch: 
Schmitt's Farms, Melville

When I was younger, I was equally obsessed with making my pumpkins fabulous.

I once used black sequins to make a pumpkin face and it came out pretty spectacular. I put it outside with delight - until it rained and washed away the entire face. So if you do make some fabulous pumpkins of your own, beware of the weather.
*TIP* Average pumpkins outside, bougie pumpkins, inside! lol

Back then, all I had was Martha Stewart's holiday special on TV or magazines for inspiration. Now, with social media and Pinterest, the possibilities are endless.

Check out what I did to my pumpkins this year. Hope this brings you an idea or two.

Naturally white pumpkin (you can paint yours white if you choose), painted the stem with black metallic paint and bought individual letters from Michaels and glued them onto the pumpkin. Wear gloves for the glue - trust me. 

I originally bought a circle stencil to paint the polka dots on.
Big Mess. The stencil didn't adhere to the pumpkin because it wasn't completely flat so I had to wash the pumpkin and do it by hand. Not perfect, but not bad either.
Again, I painted the stem black also.

What is a pumpkin made by Vanessa without a little bling??
I found these stickers at Michaels. Made a simple design and now this little baby is lookin' like a million bucks!

So nice, I blinged it twice!

Naturally white pumpkin, painted a ghost face and left his stem as is because he looked super cute with his "hair" twirled!

This trio is obviously is Halloween themed. I will place the smaller ones on the stairs. 
The others will last me through Thanksgiving and the harvest season. I can leave those displayed on the buffet or around the house. So don't feel like this is just a Halloween project. You will get plenty of use out the pumpkins you decorate should you use different colors and designs. It's not too late to get in the game!

I just LOVE the look of metallic pumpkins. I think they are pretty and fancy and extra special.
My brother and I did these together. I picked an average pumpkin and sprayed it completely through, I found a baby gourd that was less than attractive and gave him the gold makeover also and now he's lookin' mighty fine, eh?! Last, I found a white baby pumpkin, put some tape around it to make a border, sprayed the bottom, let it dry and then peeled the tape off for a fun look.

This is how my brother set it up to be painted - incase anyone wants to spray paint some pumpkins of their own. He used a box and half folded it so the back and sides of the box caught the extra paint. It's such a simple idea, but I couldn't think of that in a million years. I would have just laid the pumpkin down on newspaper and sprayed. Making a mess I'm sure of it. This is why my brother is the "doer" and I'm the "designer". lol
I dream it up and he realistically makes it  happen. Thanks Adam!

Thanks for checking out my bougie pumpkins! I already can't wait to do more next year.
I have so many more ideas!
If you do some bougie pumpkins of your own, please tag me or comment. I would LOVE to hear about and see what you've done!

Happy Harvest my little ghouls!
- V.V.

P.S. My husband really enjoyed the pumpkin patch! I swear. His words, not mine. =)

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