Retro Cool / Corinne's Baby Shower


One of my dearest friends is pregnant for the second time! Such a joyous occasion calls for a party, don't you think?! Here are some of my favorite pics of the afternoon.

Outfit wise, I didn't purposely set out for the retro look but as I continued to get done, it just kinda worked out that way and I loved my end result. Bad hair day? Thank goodness for the top knot!

Eyelet Gap dress (sold out) // Cropped Denim Jacket //Necklace // Dolce Vita Sandals (Old)
Sunglasses // Illamasqua Lipstick "Fable" // Cuff

Side note - for anyone looking for simple, pretty and inexpensive centerpieces, I used baby gift bags stuffed with pretty tissue paper that you can find in any Hallmark, card store, gift shop or paperie. These came from Target. I also did the same centerpiece idea for my Fashion Themed Bridal Shower

The hit of the party was this amazing doggy riding a pamper motorcycle! 
Super awesome job by Melisa!

Big brother to be - Jakey boy!

Congratulations Cori! We love you - can't wait to meet Matthew! 

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