TARTE Colored Clay CC Primer Stick Review


You know the story.....you walk into a store not needing anything and walk out wanting everything! My friend Diana and I made an Ulta run the other day because she needed to pick up a few items. Usually, I would be excited/scared/anxious when walking into Ulta and Sephora and stores alike because I get overwhelmed with so many fun products and I tend to want everything or I overspend but THIS DAY, I felt cool as a cucumber because I didn't need anything and I wasn't aware of anything I had to have so I figured while my friend shopped for what she needed, I would browse and walk outta there safely. 

Ha. >insert sarcastic sigh here< Ahhhhh it still shocks me how naive I am sometimes.

Long story short, almost everything she tried on, I fell in love with and had to have. Funny how that works out, huh? We went back to her house and played with all of her goodies and of course, I ended up making an order online. (Shout out to Ulta's 8%  on ebates!)

This is what I used/bought and it's result:
(No camera filters, and in natural daylight)

I dabbed it in with my finger and it melted into my skin effortlessly. I really like this concealer and that's saying a lot because I don't really ever wear concealer because I dislike that "concealer" look - that  "white", chalky look under the eyes and you can just tell that you have it on. 
Now, because I have a tan, I thought the "light" color wouldn't cover enough but surprisingly it did. I might have to play with different colors as my skin color changes with the seasons.
I really like this product.

Then I swiped on the  TARTE Colored Clay CC Primer.  Again, the cream just melted right into my skin with the warmth of my fingers. I love low maintenance products that don't require a million different brushes. So that's another plus. It looked like I wasn't wearing anything at all! My skin looked even and pretty and glowy. I had no idea until after I wore it that this product is marketed as a primer! Apparently, I never read the packaging. lol 
I saw "CC" and just assumed it was to even out your skin. The good news is, it can be worn alone (which is how I prefer it) and as a primer underneath your usual face makeup.
The purple is for brightening, the green is for reducing redness and the color is for even skin tone and light coverage.  

I really feel like these two products have changed my makeup routine. Easy, convenient and I know I will appreciate the cream texture when the colder months roll around because powder on my Winter skin can feel and look less than attractive.

Also, because of the finishing "airbrush" satin look it gives you, I didn't have to top it with any setting powder. Just bronzer on my temples,  blush on the apples of cheeks and touches of highlighter.   On lips I used "Pretty Social" and "Rosette".

Diana used it the same exact way on herself - we used all of the same products and she felt like it worked with her skin perfectly as well.

 Run into your nearest Sephora or Ulta and try it out for yourself!
Hope these make YOUR  have to have list!

 - V.V.

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  1. Nice, however, I've been using another brand for about several years and to be honest, I'm not ready to try something else.

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