
I wouldn't be me if I didn't give you some October in July! Now, maybe some of my fellow fashies can attest to this....once I am in full swing of a season, I'm already on to the next season. Particularly with Autumn. October is absolutely my favorite month of all time which happens to kick off my favorite season. Once  the end of June is upon me, automatically, like clockwork, I start itching,  the leaves start swirling in my mind.  I'm dreaming of boots, sweaters and jackets. While everyone else is at the beach tossing the frisbee and eating potato salad, I'm in the fashion lab planning my fall purchases, scouring the internet for ANY and I do mean ANY hint or preview of Autumn. 
am become obsessed! Of course it's only the middle of July so I'm limited in my findings but I must not be the only one with the same mindset because this glorious thing we call the internet has supplied me with more than enough evidence to believe that October is in fact a-comin'!
Put down pina colada and check out what I'm fallin' for.....

Bernardo brown leather jacket / Dolce Vita leather booties / Steve madden booties / Wallet / Clare V fold over clutch / Coach purse / Anna Beck yellow gold ring / Michele stainless steel jewelry / Scarve / Smashbox lips makeup / 3-Wick Candle

Side Bar:

The "Sweater Weather" candle by Bath and Body Works has become my favorite candle in any and all of their collections. My friend Danielle had it burning in her home one evening when I walked in and like a moth to a flame....I darted right for it and HAD to have it. Of course they were sold out so I held my breath and prayed it would return this year. It seems the October gods have answered my prayers (and so early, thank you kindly!). It is back in stock along with a small collection of other Fall candles on the B&BW website. Just the other day, they were on sale for 2 for $22 so I snatched two of them up! If you love this scent or have been waiting for it's return, it's here - now watch for those sales!

The Steve Madden boots I also just got on super sale - they are currently en route to my job. I will give a nice review on those when they come in should I like them in person as much as I do right now! *Fingers crossed*

Aren't those Marc Jacob polishes so gorg for early Fall? I think they are a nice alternative to very dark and saturated colors that we are used to around this time of year. These are quite the opposite, just as pretty and still say "Fall".

Trick or treat!! ....err.....Happy shopping! :)
 - V.V.

P.S. How wonderful would that be to ring a doorbell, scream "trick or treat!" and collect sweaters and lip glosses in lieu of candy?
When will they make me President of this country already?!?!

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