Recent Snaps.


For anyone who cares besides me (hi mom!), if I may share some pics from life recently. ;)

Red Mango. Frozen yogurt and Ice cream is back after a long lent season!

Quality time with my anti-social teenage nephew who hates me. And everyone breathing. 

It's a bad situation when you go food shopping and half of your bill is magazines and not actual food. Don't judge me.

Throw pillow avalanche at Homegoods. xo

What I wore....

Jewelry organization. Say hello to my new Kendra Scott Tiger eye earrings!

Panera's new couscous shrimp salad. So incredibly delicious.

Butter's nail polish bar. I'll take one of each, please.

I went to a wedding this weekend and the ceremony was held in this gorgeous church.
I have never in my life been in a church with such detail and color. It was breathtaking.
The pictures did it no justice but I had to try and capture some of that beauty.

What I wore....

What I wore.....

And that's gonna wrap up the last two
Have a great rest of the week everyone!

 - V.V.

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