Back to Basics


The turning of tides is upon me. Could be because I am another year older- the yearning to change (or not change as it turns out)- or it could be because Spring is on the horizon. Maybe both?
Time to get back to basics. Fashion basics. MY fashion basics.

It's hard not to be affected by what's constantly surrounding you. For me, in the last year, I've noticed that all the style bloggers are kind of melding into one same blogger. Blanket scarves, utility vests, statement necklaces, etc. Its all looking the same to me and I can only go along with the crowd for so long until that rebellious black sheep in me blows the whistle says....uh uh. Not gonna be able to do it. I can't roll the same way everyone else does. It physically goes against me. I have fiercely fought for my individuality my entire life. It's everything to me to be ME. I don't want to be anyone else on earth but myself. Some call it a healthy self esteem, I say its borderlines narcissism. 
Either way, two very important  people (Shakespeare and my mama) have quoted to me many times "to thine own self be true."

Since I started blogging, I've felt the pressure to dress how other successful bloggers are dressing, I've fallen into the trap of buying a lot of the same things they did.
In recent years, I have even adopted this ridiculous (yes, I really do think its quite ridiculous) theory that it's a sin to be photographed in the same outfit more than once. I felt (and sometimes still do feel) that if I've "shown" an item before either on social media or worn something with my friends, it's unacceptable to wear it again. Thank you Kim Kardashian. Crazy talk. That leads to an unrealistic, silly, and expensive solution of overbuying.
I am not Kim Kardashian. I can't afford to buy a pair of jeans and only wear them once and toss em' after I've posted them.

I think I'm finally understanding what my inner fashionista has been saying to me. This was fun, but can we go home now? Yes. Yes, we can go home now. Back to basics.
So what if my wardrobe mostly consists of a gazillion blazers, and button downs?
So what if I'm most comfortable in jeans every day?! I like chunky watches, clean lines, thin knits, navy & brown, denim jackets and classic, relaxed american style. I'll choose the Gap over couture 9 1/2  out of 10 times.

Last night, I was pulling my hair out trying to decide what to wear today. I mentally went through everything I owned, pairing things together, mixing and remixing in my head and then I came across my navy blazer. Just like that, I was dressed. Jeans, white tee, blazer, boots, done. What's all the fuss about?? The classics have saved me once again. It's who I am. I like to dip in and out  of other styles but I will always come back to this one.
You'll probably see me in my favorite ripped jeans a few times a week, you'll see me wear a top or jacket (gasp!) more than once on my blog - sometimes in different ways, you might even notice a color palette trend that I stick to....and you know what? That's OK! 
I started this blog to show people who were interested in fashion how I dress - not how everyone else dresses. Back to basics y'all. 

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