Good Luck, 2015!


Something red a day, keeps the evil away! Or so I've been told.....
Recently, I was reading a magazine and ( I forgot which celebrity) said that she keeps a red wallet in her bag because her grandmother told her having something red keeps evil away. I found that very interesting. The Chinese culture also believe that red is the color of luck and prosperity. Bethenny Frankel says red is her power color. Surely, there must be something to this red thing, no?

I thought, instead of sharing with you gift ideas for others during the holidays, I would switch it up and share some of my favorite red picks for YOURSELF (ok, fine or someone else you care about!) for the new year. It's the PERFECT time to let go of anything negative and step into a fresh brand new year armed with lots of good luck and evil fighting fabulous goodies! After all, who couldn't use some luck and prosperity? I know I certainly could and I plan to be red-ready when 2015 hits.

Some other fun and creative ideas not shown above are:

 - Red dress
 - Red socks 
 - Red optical glasses
 - Red sheets
 - Red china/ glassware
 - Red welcome door mat
 - Red bracelet (bead/ string/ jewel)
 - Red tattoo! (permanent good luck, I imagine!)
 - Red hair dye (for a less than permanent 
 - Red pajamas 
 - Red slippers
 - Red robe
 - Red candle
 - Red pen
 - Red flowers
 - Red coffee cup
 - Red notebook
 - Red watch or watch band
 - Red water bottle

I am wishing all of my friends and family and readers a very healthy and happy New Year. Do yourself a favor and add a splash of red in your life to help ensure that positivity and goodness!

Red Kisses! ;)

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